Do you fear you may harm Incey Wincey in the presence of children or grandchildren due to your phobia?
Worried that they will be upset, maybe more importantly worried that they too will end up with the same phobia that is irrationally affecting your life.
Maybe you have a different phobia e.g. flying, heights, animals, needles etc. and are aware that your fear is excessive or unreasonable, BUT you are still unable to change the way you feel when exposed to it.
Perhaps this fear is interfering with your usual routine or everyday life, is now the time to try the REWIND Technique?
So, what is the REWIND Technique?
Also known as the ‘fast trauma (PTSD) and phobia cure’ it is a non-intrusive, safe and effective psychological method of detraumatising people and removing phobias.
It is performed on a person when in a state of deep relaxation and allows negative emotions to be unhooked from an experience that has either already occurred or a perceived future experience.
As the name suggests, this technique is not just for phobias it is for trauma sufferers as well and successful achievements can be made in a low number of sessions – typically anywhere from 1 upto 3.
The cost is £75 and this consists of 2 sessions of 1hr in length each, approx. 1 week apart.
Simon Cookson
Tel: 07740 436371